Falster Mobelfabrik Teak Sideboard and Hutch
Check out this amazing Teak Sideboard by Falster Mobelfabrik, a true Danish company. A quick Google search will turn up multiple instances where this same sideboard sold for $3,000 and was in siginificantly worse condition.
There is so much to note with this teak sideboard, I hope the pictures do it justice.
Most importantly, the credenza is solid, sturdy, and absolutely stunning. In amazing condition. It literally looks brand new, even though it is sixty years old!!!!
Take note of the hand crafted design; The beveled trim pieces, the joint work connecting the sides to the base. It's clear a lot of thought and time went in to constructing this fine piece of furniture.
The tapered mid century teak legs make the piece float in the clouds.
The drawer fronts feature sculpted teak pulls and slide absolutely perfectly (no sticking).
The only real cosmetic "issue" is where the hutch top sits on the credenza unit, there is some darkening of the top (no scratches) as the sun has not reached that part of the wood. If you left the hutch piece off, the dark spots would lighten and blend in seamlessly with the rest of the top that has had exposure to the sun. Hardly an issue as it would self correct.
Dimensions are: 60" Wide x 30" High x 18.5" Deep (w/ hutch its 58" high)
email to purchase: Hi@midandmod.com